Biographie / Résumé CV

Born June 1st 1960 French native, move to California June 1999.
Dancing career in France for 12 years and Acting for 8 years.
Back to France in 2009, start back modeling since 2013

In L.A :
2007 Voice over for “Po rndogs” ( Comedy ) Pilote for a Tv Series/ Movie By Greg Blatman. Cast: “Michel” French poodle, next to Paul Rodriguez (Chihuaha) and Evan Seinfeild (Retriever)
2007: Animation Fashion Show “Ed Hardy” Cast : A cop , glitter gangster/fashion victim
2005/ 2006: Went in several acting studios to “feel the vibes”, and work on stand up comedy.
2000/2003: Studies in Santa Monica College, Graduate with an Interractive Media Certificate.

In Paris:
Theater 1997/98 “Sur la route de Sienne” (Comedy) Madonna Bouglionne creation, Le Ranelagh Theater Cast: The white Clown, father of Juliette
1996 Comedia dell” Arte workshop with Carlo Bosso.
1994/95 “Tout peut arriver” (Comedy) Franck Desmaroux- Madonna Bouglionne, Le Ranelagh Cast: The apprentice, the princess, the guard
1993 “ le Misantrope” (Moliere Play) “Contre Ciel” Company, Daniel Sorano Theater Cast: Clitandre, a marquis.
1992 “les aventures sinueuses d’Ardente” (Comedy) lanterne Magique Company Summer tour. Cast: the wizard
1990: Theater Workshop with Blanche Salant – Paul Weaver
1989/90 Theater Workshop with Eva Goreva

TV Series
1998 “Madame le proviseur” (Drama) Cast: Undercover cop.
1997 “Navarro” (Drama) Cast: Policeman/receptionist.
1997 “Deux Peres” (Drama) Cast: Politician
1995 “Studio Sud” (Comedy) Cast:Mafioso
1987 “Commissaire Moulin” (Drama) Cast : Drug addict
1984 “ Traction Avant”( Drama) Cast: Soldier on the run

1997 REXONA Ruji Oseki ( for Japan market)
1991 RENAULT, Philippe Gaultier (for French market)
1990 YOPLAIT, John Davenport ( for Nord American market)
1983/1985 ERAM, Etienne Chatillez ( for French market)

Appearance in Several French films:
Taxi, Les visiteurs, Entre nous, Epouse moi...

Music Video (Mostly French artist)
Art Mango Higelin
Serge Gainsbourg
Richard Cocciante
Vanessa Paradis
Bibi Khaled
Jill Kaplan
Gipsy King
Arielle Dombasle
Jeanne Mas Dick
Zap Shaker

Dancing Visual for TV Broadcasting
1989/90 Summer Weekly Show host by Sheila (French singer, star in the sixties)
1987/88 Weekly Show host by French Comic Patrick Sebastier
1983/91 ( Promoting songs on air of different French singers)
Rene Joly ,
France Gall,
Dick Rivers,
Jeanne Mas,
Karen Cheryl,
Gypsy king,
Art Mango,

Concert / Tour
1991/92 Enigma ( European tour in major clubs, promotion of the album)
1989 Marc Drouin “vis ta vinaigrette” Café de la gare ( rock musical)
Jeanne Mas Concert Bercy palais des sports (electro pop )
1988 Zizi Jeanmaire Concert Bouffes du Nord Theater and tour
1988 Yvette Horner Concert Casino de Paris (Jean Paul Gaultier costume designer)
1985 Jeanne Mas Concert/ tour Olympia Theater

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